Dipl. Kfm./Diplom Betriebswirt grad.
Since 12/2012
Advisory, Training and Support on Insurance Ratings, Risk Management and Governance Processes
2000 – 11/2012
Standard & Poor’s, Frankfurt office
• Director Analytics and Senior Insurance Analyst (subject to rotation principles) in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, UK and the U.A.E. for various insurance groups such as Allianz, Münchner Rück, R+V, W&W, Gothaer, VHV, Wiener Städische and Uniqua.
• Actively develop S&P’s insurance franchise in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, comprehensive contribution with increase of interactive ratings in Germany.
• Member of S&P’s Solvency II project.
• Involvement in the development and refinement of rating criteria and related issues.
• Many presentations and publications on ratings, Solvency II and Enterprise Risk Management
1980 – 2000
Gerling-Group, Director
• Trainee reinsurance; controlling and steering of participations/international controlling;
establishment and project management of rating processes on behalf of various
subsidiaries of the group.
1976 – 1980
Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (German Association of Insurance Companies)
• Assistant to the Managing Director
1971 – 1976
University of Cologne
(Business Administration with focus on Organisation, Marketing, Insurance), Diploma: Diplomkaufmann
1970 – 1974
University of Applied Science, Cologne
(Specialties:property/casualty, life insurance), Diploma: Betriebswirt grad.
1968 – 1970
Gothaer Versicherungsgruppe, Apprencticeship
Born 6.9.1949 in Goettingen