My experience is based on responsible activities in various functions, such as:
– Senior Underwriter (Allianz) – expertise from a technical perspective.
– Senior Account Manager (Allianz) – with a great number of projects responding to the needs and expectations of Clients and Brokers (Data Exchange between Insurers and Brokers, Risk Management advice to Industrial Clients). Detailed knowledge of the structure, behaviour and performance of the insurance broker market.
– In-house Broker (Deutsche Bank), established and run the company.
– Direct and Reinsurance Captives (Deutsche Bank’s 4 Captives), established and run the companies in Luxembourg, Bermuda and Vermont.
– Global Head of Corporate Insurance Deutsche Bank AG, developing a strategy, model and introduction under Basle II/ AMA /Operational Risk.
– Chairman of ECIROA (European Captive Insurance and Reinsurance Owners Association), covering the interest of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Institutions own insurance companies (observer status in IAIS).
– Former Member of the Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group (IRSG), Advisory Board of EIOPA.
– Former Board Member of DVS (Germany’s Association to protect the Industrial and Commercial Customers versus Insurers, Politics, Regulatory Issues).
– Former Member of bfv, the In-house Captive Broker Association of the Top 100 Multinational Corporations in Germany, to represent the interest in all questions around insurance, risk management and compliance.
– Former Chairman of EFIRM (European Financial Institutions' Risk Managers), exchanging information and developing ideas cross-border on risk-management and risk-transfer (Operational Risk – Basle II/III).
Managing Director of Deutsche Bank AG, as Global Head responsible for Insurance and Risk Transfer of corporate risks.
I started my insurance career with Frankfurter Allianz Vers. AG in 1976 and moved to Deutsche Bank AG in 1994 to establish, develop and run the In-house Broker to place worldwide corporate risks in the insurance market.
I hold a diploma as Economist (Dipl.-Volkswirt) from Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University in Frankfurt, where today I am a lecturer at the “Institute for Law and Finance”.
Born in 1948 – married – three children – Field Hockey Player.