Droese & Partner has been established in the form of a partnership agreement. The broad range of advisory services is possible due to the involvement of a circle of freelancers and cooperation partners, who have collected their experience in various lines of business in different companies and offer this now in a special sense cooperation and partnership.
Name | Previous Employments | Status |
Guenter Droese Dipl.-Volkswirt | Deutsche Bank/Allianz | Partner (GbR) |
Horst Droese Betriebswirt | Honeywell/Allied | Partner (GbR) |
Harry A. Daugird Attorney at Law | ABB Ltd. | Freelancer |
Ferdinand Deiß Vers.-Kaufmann | Metallgesellschaft/ mg technologies/GEA Group | Freelancer |
Prof. Dr. Rainer Freise Jurist | DVA/Deutsche Bahn | Freelancer |
Frederick Gabriel A.C.I.I. | Marsh | Freelancer |
Hartmut Jaeger Dipl.-Ing. | JIMC, HDP Management Consulting | Cooperation Partner |
Dr. Peter Klatt Dr.-Ing. (phD) | BMW, ArcelorMittal, Arcelor, ARBED | Freelancer |
Wolfgang Rief Dipl.-Kaufmann | Standard & Poor’s/Gerling/GDV | Freelancer |
Norbert Weigand Vers.-Kaufmann | Daimler Insurance Services | Freelancer |
Additional announcement will follow soon.